20 | | The SimiliarityMeasure main class is |
21 | | {{{de.dfki.km.phaselib.TODO}}} |
| 20 | The SimilarityMeasure main class is |
| 21 | {{{de.dfki.km.phaselib.impl.similarities.graphmatching.mxcs.MaxComSubgraphMeasure}}} |
| 22 | |
| 23 | Initialisation is straight forward: |
| 24 | {{{new MaxComSubgraphMeasure()}}} |
| 25 | |
| 26 | |
| 27 | In order to use the graph matching module together with the INRIA Alignment package, an implementation of the {{{AlignmentProcessAdapter}}} is needed, which is the class |
| 28 | {{{de.dfki.km.phaselib.impl.alignments.inria.MaxComSubgraphAlgorithm}}} |
| 29 | |
| 30 | Its {{{getGeneratorProcess()}}} method then returns a {{{GraphBasedAlignment}}} with a {{{MaxComSubgraphMeasure}}} as the similarity measure. |